Lesia Semi presented SS 2016 collection in Paris


Lesia Semi presented SS 2016 collection in Paris

Lesia Semi presented her Spring/Summer 2016 collection in NOMET Showroom at Paris Fashion Week.

Lesia Semi brand exists since 2014 and during this short period of time the team of the brand managed to present Autumn/Winter 2015 collection at Lviv Fashion Week, Fashion Philosophy Fashion Week Poland, and Spring/Summer 2016 collection in a showroom during Paris Fashion Week; the team demonstrated cruise and capsule collections. In addition to women’s ready-to-wear clothing, perfumes and accessories are produced under Lesia Semi brand as well.

Spring/Summer 2016 collection continues the urban design line which combines experiments in cutout garment and special attentiveness towards materials and patterns. Strict lines and symmetric forms are mixed with sport style elements, which creates dynamic images full of energy. A special accessories line is produced for the collection. It includes different footwear, caps, leather bags and jewellery.

“It was my first experience of working with Paris showrooms and foreign buyers. The first contracts were signed and I’m focused on the further fruitful cooperation.” – Lesia Semi said.

The opening night of Spring/Summer 2016 collection in Ukraine will take place on October 31 during Lviv Fashion Week.

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Contact Us

LESIA SEMI, Lviv (вул. Чорновола 63) 
+ 38 (098) 95-10-843


Mountains Showroom. Одяг, білизна та аксесуари від українських дизайнерів. м. Черкаси (ТРЦ «Хрещатик сіті», 1й пов.) +38 (063) 742 43 88

 First room by PFDм. Полтава (ТЦР « Метрополітен) +38 (099) 618 35 83

RHISOME STORE, Львів (вул. Братів Рогатинців, 24)

Магазин високої парфумерії LE FLACON, Київ (вул. Городецького, 17/1)

Бутік-ательє “ОТАМАН”, Київ (вул. Михайлівська, 21А)

Бутік “Avantime” м.Дніпро , пр. Олександра Поля, 76.

Магазин високої парфумерії “Votre” м.Харків ТЦР Французький бульвар, 1 пов.

вул. Ак. Павлова, 44Б 

Бутік нішевої парфумерії та косметики “Special” м. Харків, вул. Сумська, 124;

вул. Культури, 6



LESIA SEMI, Lviv (63, Chornovola str. ) 

+ 38 (098) 95-10-843



LE FLACON, Kyiv (17/1, Horodetskogo str.)

OTAMAN BOUTIQUE, Kyiv (21А, Mykhaylivska str.)

RUSYNKA, Lviv (3, Ruska str.; 19, Kopernyka str.)

“AVANTIME” BOUTIQUE,  Dnipropetrovsk ( 76,  Kirova ave. )

Mountains Showroom, Cherkasy (TC Khreshchatyk city, 1st fl.) +38 (063)742 43 88

First roo by PFD, Poltava (TC Metropoliten) +38 (099) 618 35 83




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    + 38 (098) 95-10-843 LESIA SEMI, Lviv (63, Chornovola str. )  office@l-semi.com pr@l-semi.com
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