LESIA SEMI presented SS 2018 collection within the framework of Berlin Fashion Week

Pokazy Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin – Wiosna/Lato 2018

LESIA SEMI presented SS 2018 collection within the framework of Berlin Fashion Week

On July 3, in Berlin, the Erika Hess Eisstadion hosted a premiere show of Lesia Semi’s new spring-summer collection – as part of the Fashion Hall Berlin project at the Berlin Fashion Week.

The inspiration of the new collection was an idea of a spiral in nature. A spiral can be traced in many plants (flowers, spiral arrangement of needles on cones), organisms (snail) and structures – from web and fingerprints to galaxies. In the Lesia Semi SS 2018 collection this element can be visible in blouses, dresses and tunics, with sewed on, spiral-shaped, pleated ruches.

Siluettes are straight, trapezoidal, fitted. The accent is made on the shoulders – increased due to the cut and the shoulderpads. All pockets are outwards. Silk-organza, lace, wool, silk, velour, techniques of pleating (organza, lace) and corrugating were used.

The basis of the colour scheme is black, white and pastels: milky, beige, peach, blue, light green. A special line of accessories has been developed specifically for the collection – cross-body handbags with ruches and decor in the form of cones, shoe with ruches on a hemisphere wooden heel.


Ph: Rafael Poschmann

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LESIA SEMI, Lviv (вул. Чорновола 63) 
+ 38 (098) 95-10-843


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 First room by PFDм. Полтава (ТЦР « Метрополітен) +38 (099) 618 35 83

RHISOME STORE, Львів (вул. Братів Рогатинців, 24)

Магазин високої парфумерії LE FLACON, Київ (вул. Городецького, 17/1)

Бутік-ательє “ОТАМАН”, Київ (вул. Михайлівська, 21А)

Бутік “Avantime” м.Дніпро , пр. Олександра Поля, 76.

Магазин високої парфумерії “Votre” м.Харків ТЦР Французький бульвар, 1 пов.

вул. Ак. Павлова, 44Б 

Бутік нішевої парфумерії та косметики “Special” м. Харків, вул. Сумська, 124;

вул. Культури, 6



LESIA SEMI, Lviv (63, Chornovola str. ) 

+ 38 (098) 95-10-843



LE FLACON, Kyiv (17/1, Horodetskogo str.)

OTAMAN BOUTIQUE, Kyiv (21А, Mykhaylivska str.)

RUSYNKA, Lviv (3, Ruska str.; 19, Kopernyka str.)

“AVANTIME” BOUTIQUE,  Dnipropetrovsk ( 76,  Kirova ave. )

Mountains Showroom, Cherkasy (TC Khreshchatyk city, 1st fl.) +38 (063)742 43 88

First roo by PFD, Poltava (TC Metropoliten) +38 (099) 618 35 83




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    + 38 (098) 95-10-843 LESIA SEMI, Lviv (63, Chornovola str. )  office@l-semi.com pr@l-semi.com
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