LESIA SEMI presented new cruise collection and SEMI by Lesia Semi perfumes


LESIA SEMI presented new cruise collection and SEMI by Lesia Semi perfumes

Designer Lesia Semi presented on May 28 her new Resort 2016 collection. The fashion show took place in Zamok Leva hotel complex in Lviv.

The designer was inspired to create the new Resort 2016 collection and the first brand fragrance called SEMI by Lesia Semi by the morning nature awakening from the sleep, the dew falling on the mown grass and spring plants. Dresses, rompers, blouses, tops and shorts from the new collection are supplemented by the flower prints ranging in colors of pink, green, and white, as these colors symbolize the spring. The clothes are light and comfortable; both easy fit and structured clears forms are used. The materials are natural: taffeta and silk.

Resort 2016 collection presentation was held simultaneously with the presentation of the first brand fragrance called SEMI by Lesia Semi. New SEMI by Lesia Semi perfumes are closely related to the cruise collection – they are inspired by the spring flowers, fragrances, and colors. White flowers, blubber ambergris, rice note, natural musk from the musk-deer glandulas, the base – cold incense and white sandal.

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LESIA SEMI, Lviv (вул. Чорновола 63) 
+ 38 (098) 95-10-843


Mountains Showroom. Одяг, білизна та аксесуари від українських дизайнерів. м. Черкаси (ТРЦ «Хрещатик сіті», 1й пов.) +38 (063) 742 43 88

 First room by PFDм. Полтава (ТЦР « Метрополітен) +38 (099) 618 35 83

RHISOME STORE, Львів (вул. Братів Рогатинців, 24)

Магазин високої парфумерії LE FLACON, Київ (вул. Городецького, 17/1)

Бутік-ательє “ОТАМАН”, Київ (вул. Михайлівська, 21А)

Бутік “Avantime” м.Дніпро , пр. Олександра Поля, 76.

Магазин високої парфумерії “Votre” м.Харків ТЦР Французький бульвар, 1 пов.

вул. Ак. Павлова, 44Б 

Бутік нішевої парфумерії та косметики “Special” м. Харків, вул. Сумська, 124;

вул. Культури, 6



LESIA SEMI, Lviv (63, Chornovola str. ) 

+ 38 (098) 95-10-843



LE FLACON, Kyiv (17/1, Horodetskogo str.)

OTAMAN BOUTIQUE, Kyiv (21А, Mykhaylivska str.)

RUSYNKA, Lviv (3, Ruska str.; 19, Kopernyka str.)

“AVANTIME” BOUTIQUE,  Dnipropetrovsk ( 76,  Kirova ave. )

Mountains Showroom, Cherkasy (TC Khreshchatyk city, 1st fl.) +38 (063)742 43 88

First roo by PFD, Poltava (TC Metropoliten) +38 (099) 618 35 83




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    + 38 (098) 95-10-843 LESIA SEMI, Lviv (63, Chornovola str. )  office@l-semi.com pr@l-semi.com
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